About Our Ministries


These are essentially instructional ministries in which members are nourished and prepared for service. These ministries are fundamental and all members of the church cannot serve without belonging to this ministry category.

These include:

1. Christian Education Department

a. The Safari Group

b. Safari Cohorts/Discipleship


These ministries provide opportunities for members to share experiences, face challenges at peer group level and be accountable to one another. Fellowship Ministries include:

1. Women Ministry

2. Men@ Work

3. International Community Fellowship (ICF)

4. Business Community Fellowship

5. Cutting Edge Fellowship (CEF)

6. Golden Edge Ministry (GEM)

7. Young Professionals

8. Family Care and Enrichment Ministry (FACE)


This category provides service that is necessary and required for the effective operations of the church both in the worship services and its components and in its mandate to the outside world. Service Ministries Include:

1. Children Ministry.

2. Youth Ministry.

3. Teens Ministry.

4. Ushering.

5. Welcome.

6. Hospitality.

7. Worship Ministry.

8. Counselling Ministry.

9. Sound/Media/Technical Ministry.

10. Holy Communion Ministry.

11. Prayer Ministry.

12. Care Ministry.

13. Traffic Ministry

14. Challengers Ministry.

16. Outreach and Missions.

17. First Aid Ministry.

18. Hope Ministry.

19. Hope Drama.

20. Social Action, Advocacy and Governance.